How to scan & convert any document into PDF without download any app

Hello Friends,
My name is Gaurav Khandelwal. Toady I will show you how to scan a document or convert into PDF from your android phone without download any application. You can use this feature in routine official work like receipts, letters and billing statements.You can scan your Pan Card, Aadhar card any other document from your phone and save them as searchable PDF's on your Google Drive. Resize Photo, Signature and Document For Job Application Form your Android Phone without download any App
SO let's see how it's works. You have to follow step-by-step instructions mention below

STEP :-1 Click on Google drive on your phone

STEP :-2 Click on + sign available at the bottom of right hand side.Add.

STEP :-3 Click on scan icon.Scan

STEP :-4 After Click on scan your camera will open so get your document and take a pic.

  • Adjust the size of pic : Tap Crop Crop.
  • Take photo again: Tap Re-scan current page Refresh.
  • Scan another document : Tap Add Add.
STEP :-5 Once you done click on save in the bottom.

STEP :- 6 Rename the document or select folder where you want to save this scanned pdf and then click on save.

To watch demo video please click on below link

You can view my you tube channel 

#DocumentScanning #Tech_marketing #scandocument #Technmarketing #Tipsntricks #Tips_Tricks
#Scandocument #PDF #Scan
